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Easy tips to improve your site design!

Chris Garrett, an internet marketing consultant from the UK, has tips that he says will boost your online projects.

He says you have to find someone to do the work who has good communication skills. Once you have the project signed, it really helps when you can easily communicate with team members.

A lot of design requires good communication, from extracting accurate requirements, discussing changes and options, explaining why something just plain won’t work!

Critical in the success of a web project is ease of use. It’s no good turning out cutting edge, beautiful design only to find it confuses the hell out of people. Knowing how to make a design useful as well as good looking is a crucial skill.

Related to usability but not the same thing, information architecture knowledge is a very salable skill.

Combine IA expertise with usability and excellent communication skills and you can command far higher fees and makes you a consult, rather than just a commodity.