Call to actions are one of the most important elements of a website. Contacting you, buying from you, these are call to actions! Call to actions should be clear and easy to follow. When things are easy, people are more likely to act in the way you want.

Are you getting people to take action on your website?

To push that button. To receive that bundle of joy that follows:

Contacting you
Adding products to carts

Actions we love as business owners!

So what makes a ridiculously good call to action?

When It clearly triggers an emotional reaction (oh I gotta have that).
It clearly tells someone how to make a purchase (click right here to buy).
It creates a sense of urgency (buy now, offer ends at midnight….Mom, credit-card).
It provides incentives (free shipping!).

When designing call to actions, make sure people clearly see them

Make them big enough
Use a contrasting color
Use some energetic words (start now, be part of the club, Call Trump now)

Get your call-to-actions to stand and bring attention to your products and services.

Great websites aren’t just about looking good, they’re about getting people to act.

Acting in the benefit of your business